Thursday, April 30, 2015

3 Day Weekend!

Hopefully you aced your test today!

Enjoy your 3 day weekend (with no homework)!

On Monday we'll get into our final major unit, starting chapter 5. In this unit we'll start to explore trig identities, trig equations, and some formulas we can use to evaluate trig ratios. This unit will bring back lots of algebra skills--dealing with fractions, factoring, solving equations--be ready for a challenging unit!

Until then, enjoy yourself and relax! Go outside and play! :)

See you Monday!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015



Tomorrow's test is our first of the quarter--so it's going to have a clear impact on your grade! Make sure you prepare yourself!

Here's a breakdown of the test:

  • Graphing sine and cosine with vertical shifts and changes to amplitude/period
    • You will be given a blank coordinate plane and will label the x/y axes yourself
    • The graphs that you have on the review packet I gave today often graph multiple periods--this is likely harder than what you have to do tomorrow
  • Write the equation of a sine/cosine function given a graph or description
  • Graph tan(x), cot(x), sec(x), csc(x)
    • Make sure you know how to find the asymptotes and x-intercepts for these functions!
  • Graph arcsin(x), arccos(x), arctan(x)
    • Study our quiz from yesterday!
  • Evaluate inverses and compositions of inverses!
A few other notes on your test...
  • Use the review packets we started today to review!
  • Study your old quizzes!
  • Look at last night's multiple choice homework--this is the same stuff you'll have on the multiple choice part of the test!
  • And lastly, here are the answers to the multiple choice packet if you're using it to study...
    1. B
    2. D
    3. D
    4. B
    5. A
    6. A
    7. C
    8. B
    9. B
    10. A
    11. B
    12. D
    13. D
    14. D
    15. B
    16. B
    17. D
    18. B
    19. B
    20. A
    21. A
    22. B
    23. B
    24. A
    25. D
    26. D
    27. D

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Tonight, please complete the 10 multiple choice questions (Unit 4B Pre-Test) provided in class (or below)!

These 10 questions serve as review for the multiple choice part of Thursday's test! We'll have the same questions, just with different numbers!

Tomorrow in class we'll go over the HW and continue to review, getting ready for Thursday! See you there! Enjoy your Tuesday!

Don't forget to check out the "show me" videos for help with inverses (check a couple blog posts below).

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday HW

Tonight, please complete #21-29 on the worksheet provided in class (or below)!

Tomorrow we'll look at our homework and then start to review for Friday's test. We also have a "quick quiz," tomorrow--graph arcsin(x), arccos(x), and arctan(x)!

Enjoy your Monday! See you all in the morning!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekend HW!

This weekend, please complete the classwork we started today--graphing and evaluating trig inverses. This will be collected and graded on Monday! 

Use your notes and other resources to help you out!

The link below is to Ms. Blaisdell's tumblr page. On it, you can find a few videos that explain everything we've done with inverses (evaluating and graphing). Check it out! They definitely help!

Need help with trig inverses? Click me!

Juniors--have a blast at the prom tonight! Be safe!

See you all on Monday! Do your homework: I'm grading it!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

No HW!

Tonight, please homework!

Go outside and play instead!

Tomorrow we'll do some practice with graphing/evaluating inverses in class.

Then, on Monday, we'll learn how to do one last type of inverse problem, compositions.

On Tuesday we'll review, and then on Weds and/or Thursday we'll enjoy a unit test! Can't wait! :)

Until then, enjoy the beautiful weather! See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday = Inverses!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook: 

Page 316: 1, 3, 5, 7

Tomorrow in class we'll look at the graphs of arccos(x) and arctan(x), and discuss how we have to restrict those domains.

Then, we'll practice some more evaluating, and on Friday we'll learn the last bits of "new stuff."

Our plan is to have a unit test on graphing and inverses next week! Be ready! :)

See you all in the a.m.!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Twosday Homework

Tonight, please complete the "evaluating inverses" worksheet that we started in class!

Tomorrow (after our stamp and homework questions), we'll begin to explore the graphs of the inverse functions...see you there!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Quiz Tomorrow and Tonight!

Tonight, please complete the take home quiz provided in class (or below)--the "Reciprocal Graph Wrap Up" worksheet.

Tomorrow's quiz is short, and to the point. The quiz is as follows: graph tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant. You will have to graph 2 periods of each. Study!

See you all tomorrow! Enjoy your rainy Monday!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Weekend HW: It's Collected & Graded!

This weekend, please complete the "summary table" for the trig functions that we started in class yesterday. This will be collected and graded as finish it!

  • Don't forget to add an "asymptotes" row on the back (for cotangent, secant, and cosecant); this part of the table got cut off!
  • Use your resources--your book and the internet!
  • You can find information about the graphs of sine and cosine in section 4.5 of your book, and you can find the other 4 functions in section 4.6--use your book!
  • If that doesn't work, try a google search!
    • If you type any function, for example sin(x) or csc(x) in google and look at the images, you can quickly find any of these graphs!
    • If you google the functions and look at the links, you can surely find information for the rest of the table! Get it done!
On Monday I will collect this assignment...then, we'll start the last section of this unit, inverse trig functions (section 4.7)! See you there!

Until then, enjoy the beautiful weather tomorrow and the rest of your weekend...GO OUTSIDE! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

No Homework!

Another night off!

Enjoy your beautiful, sunny, afternoon!

Tomorrow it's the STAR TEST. Then you'll get back the tables we started today to finish in class tomorrow/for homework over the weekend!

See you in the morning (in room 121)!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wed nes day

Tonight, please complete the matching (equations and graphs) worksheet that we started in class!

When you're done, go play in the sun! Tomorrow we'll recap our 6 trig parent functions, and then it's onto the STAR test on Friday...see you there!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday HW!

No homework tonight! Wooooo! Enjoy the cloudy afternoon! Go for a run, play basketball or tennis or baseball or something, maybe walk a dog (preferably yours, not a random one you find on the street), watch the show "The Big Picture" on Demand on NatGeo....whatever you want to do to ENJOY your AFTERNOON!  :)

See you all tomorrow! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome Back!

Hopefully you all enjoyed your first day back!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook--a little review of graphing sine and cosine with shifts and changes to the period.

Page 294: 39, 41, 49

Enjoy! Tomorrow in class we'll work on the graphs of cotangent, cosecant, and secant...see you there!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

April Vacation!!!!!!!

3 quarters down, 1 to go! Can you believe how fast the year is flying by?!

Enjoy your week off! Rest up, relax, and have fun! Recharge your mental batteries, as we're going to continue getting into more and more difficult trig "stuff" after break!

When we come back we'll start off by looking at the graphs of tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant (section 4.6); then, we'll start to explore the inverse functions and their graphs, arcsin(x) and arccos(x) (section 4.7). That we'll end our unit, and then it's test time.

Unit 5 is one of the toughest we will work through--solving trig equations and trig identities. Trig equations will bring back the unit circle--you still have to have it mastered! Then we'll do the trig identities, which will combine all of your algebra knowledge with trig stuff! It's hard!

If you're bored one day over break, start to explore some of this stuff! Look at sections 4.6 and 4.7 in your book, or do some googling to look up the graphs and inverse functions I mentioned above! Anything you can do on your own will make your life easier when we're back!

Have an awesome break everyone! See you in 10ish days!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Quiz and Stamps!

  1. Quiz tomorrow! Here's an outline of what you want to study...

    • Graphing sine and cosine with changes to amplitude, period, and vertical shifts
      • For all of your graphs you are given "blank axes," not labeled ones like last night's homework
      • That means you will label your x and y axes just like the take home quiz we had last weekend!
      • Remember, period = 2pi/b!
      • Know the shapes of sine and cosine!
      • Use dotted lines to help you with the vertical shifts and amplitude!
    • Write the equation of sine and cosine functions...
      • Use the period to find b
        • You have to know what "one cycle" looks like (for sine and cosine) so that you can identify how long the period is, then solve for b
      • Remember, the "midline" is the value of "d," or our vertical shift!
        • Midline = (max + min)/2
      • The amplitude will help us with a! Then, to decide if a is + or -, look at the shape--is it reflected? (upside down)
        • Amplitude = (max - min)/2
    • Compare (provide two differences) for the graphs of sine and cosine

  1. Stamps are due tomorrow!

  • Count up your stamps and record the total on the front 
  •  Double check your counting!
  •  Only papers with actual stamps on them count! This time I'll be paying extra attention for people who sneak papers without stamps in.