Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Holidays!

It's finally winter break! We definitely deserve it. Hopefully you all got an A on the test we finished today!

Please be sure to complete the review packet this week. This will be counted as a grade! Do your best, and circle any problems you don't understand--this will give us a starting point for a little bit of review when we're back.

When you're not working on PreCalc, rest up, relax, and enjoy your time off. Spend time with friends and family.

Thank you all for your hard work thus far. I'm loving teaching PreCalc, and a big part of that is all of you. So thanks :)

As always, feel free to email with any questions. See you all on Thursday, 1/3! (For some matrices and systems of equations!)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Study again!

Tomorrow you will have 15 minutes to complete your it's probably a good idea to take a look at your notes and review anything you weren't sure about today.

**A tip about the "hole" or point of discontinuity question....after you find what "cancels" and determine the x-coordinate of the hole, you have to use the simplified form of the rational equation to substitute and find the y-value. **

After we finish our test you'll have some time to start your review packet (that will be completed over break). See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Test Tomorrow!

Study, study, study!

Hopefully the chaos that was "Bingo" today helped you out a little. Feel free to email me and I can send back an attachment with the questions and answers so you can study.

Remember, tomorrow's test includes complex numbers, real and imaginary zeros, and rational functions. Good luck!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Half Snow Day!!!

PreCalc tomorrow....

Tonight, please complete two webs using the following functions:

I will randomly generate a number to choose one of the two webs to grade. So get an A on both!

Good luck! See you all for some rational function bingo tomorrow!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday's HW....

Good work today!

Tonight, please graph the 5 functions we used for our matching. (Hopefully you recorded your matching answers to save some time on your homework!).

If you weren't here or were absent, here are the functions...

Also, if you were out, you need to create a table with the following info for each of the functions above (this was Monday's classwork...)

  • List each function (in order), then provide the information required using the table structure/headings below.

Function:          Vertical Asymptotes:          Horizontal Asymptotes:          Zeros:          Y-Intercepts:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Play in the Snow!

I bet you can top this kid's snowman...

This weekend, complete two webs. Use the functions below: On Monday I'll provide some answer keys so that we can check our work...t

Functions for Webs:

And in case you lost your webs, here's what you need to provide for each function (make your own web!):

  • Y-Intercept
  • X-Intercept(s)
  • Horizontal Asymptote
  • Vertical Asymptote(s)
  • Domain
  • Range
  • "Additional Points"--table of values from your calculator
  • Sketch of the function

Enjoy your weekend ya'll. See you lunes.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Here's tonight's homework....

Page 148: 7-12, 31, 33 (Remember, to find the zeros of a rational function we set the numerator equal to 0 and solve for x).

Period D: You also need to finish the web we started in class. Good luck!

Tomorrow we'll get back to rational functions and fill out some webs! Woooo!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wed nes day HW

More rational functions tomorrow! Wooohooooo!

Tonight, please complete the worksheet provided in class dealing with shifting and reflecting rational functions. Tomorrow we'll recap these ideas, and then start to move into more complicated rational functions. Exciting!

See you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Quiz tomorrow!

Don't forget, quiz on section 2.5 (real and imaginary zeros) tomorrow! Use your packet (last night's homework) to help you study!

Tonight, please use the following problems to help you study...(I won't check this, these are just similar to what you'll see on the quiz)...

Page 141: 47, 53, 35 

See you all tomorrow!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday HW!

Tonight, please finish the packet we started in class...tomorrow we'll go through the answers and answer any questions you have. Then, we'll take a quiz on this stuff Wednesday.

After we address any questions on the packet, we'll start some new stuff tomorrow--rational functions!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Who loves the fundamental theorem of Algebra?

Alberto does. I do.

Good work this week everyone! Keep it up!

This weekend, please complete the following:   Page 140: 1, 15, 19, 25, 35, 37

We're aiming to have a quiz on this stuff (section 2.5) on Tuesday. On Monday we'll do some practice to get ready, and then hopefully move on to rational functions on Wednesday.

Enjoy your weekend! And rest up--we have lots of work to do for the next 2 weeks!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Quiz tomorrow!

Tomorrow we'll have a short quiz about complex numbers--nothing fancy or complex, I'll just read a few questions out loud and have you work on them. I'm thinking 15 minutes max.

Period A--sorry about all the chaos in class. That's my bad. Tomorrow will be more structured. We have a lot to cover.

We'll get deeper into the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra tomorrow and start to do some problems--our goal is to get this all finished and have a quiz on Tuesday.

See you manana!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

When's day!

This is my jam...

Tonight's homework:

1. Please complete the 18 multiple choice questions we started in class.

2. Complete the following two problems in your textbook:
Page 133: 49, 53 (for 53, multiply each by conjugate, then combine)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2's Day...

No homework tonight! Hopefully you really enjoyed the STAR test today....

Tomorrow we'll get back to our work with complex numbers (just quickly looking at division), and then we'll move on to finding real and imaginary zeros of polynomials. Be ready to work!

Enjoy your afternoon!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Back to Work!

We have 3 weeks of hard work before our next ready!

Tonight, please complete the following for homework: 
page 133: 9,15,19,23,29,31,33

Good luck! I'm checking tomorrow!