Friday, January 31, 2014

Weekend HW....Radians!

Happy Friday!

This weekend, please complete the 46 problems provided in class--converting radians to degrees, and degrees to radians. This stuff is super important! This is the foundation for everything we'll do with trig! The better you are at it, the better off you'll be! We'll answer any questions on Monday.

Remember, think proportionally. If you want to convert 210 degrees, for example, that would be 7x30. So, we need "7 30 degree angles," or 7 "pi/3's" (7pi/3).

Feel free to email with any questions....or some youtube videos may help!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

No homework...quiz tomorrow

The title pretty much has everything you need to know...

No homework tonight, so if you were absent at all recently today is a good day to make up any assignments. Check out the past blog posts (below) to see what you missed...

Tomorrow we will have a short quiz dealing with sketching angles in degrees, or determining angle measures in standard position.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Angles in Standard Position...

Hope you're enjoying all this new stuff! We're done with our universal screens and pre-tests for a bit, so it's all learning for a while...

Tomorrow we have a half day to start getting into radians! Wooo!

Here's the homework...

Period A: Please complete the Kuta worksheet provided in class--angles in standard position.

Period D: Please complete page 256: 23 - 37 (odd) (**For #29, don't worry about the 50' or the 30'. Just use the whole number of degrees).

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Trigonometry! Woooo!

Hope you're enjoying all of this angle stuff as we start trig!

Here's tonight's homework--notice it's different for each class (period D is a little behind due to Monday's assembly...):

Period A: Page 255: 23 - 43 (odd)

Period D: Page 256 39 - 44 (Remember complements and supplements? Complements sum to 90 degrees, and supplements sum to 180 degrees).


Monday, January 27, 2014


Yay for triangles! Tomorrow we'll get into some radian's gonna be awesome!

Tonight, please complete the following (even if you were absent!):
Page 256: 39 - 44

See you all tomorrow!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Multiply Matrices HW!

This weekend is your first homework for the know I'm checking it!

Please complete the multiplying matrices (by hand) worksheet provided in class. This will not count as a 10 point assignment, but instead will be graded as a homework. Do your best!

Then, on Monday, it's trigonometry time! WoooohooooO!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Matrices End Tomorrow!

Tomorrow will be our last day with matrices....then it's onto a totally foreign topic to us--trig!

Tonight, please be sure to complete the systems of equations word problems we started in class. This is your first classwork grade--don't forget!

See you all tomorrow! It's Friday already!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Back to normal school tomorrow?

**If you were absent today you will have to make up the Algebra 2 Exit Exam tomorrow IN CLASS. You will be responsible to make up the classwork independently. (so study!)**

Hopefully tomorrow we can get back to our normal routine! I know it's nice having these short days, but it makes it so much tougher to get motivated!

If you didn't do so today, please complete the 5 word problems ("Classroom Examples") we started (yesterday) in class. Tomorrow you'll be working in groups to complete 10 more to be graded; then, we'll look a little at multiplying matrices before moving on to chapter 3.

See you all tomorrow for a normal school day! Yay!

Friday, January 17, 2014


Enjoy your 4 day weekend! On Tuesday we'll get ready for Wednesday's test, then look a little bit more at some matrix stuff.

Midterm and quarter (and semester) grades are below:

Friday, January 10, 2014


Don't forget your stamps! For many of you, these are the difference between a C+/B- or a D+/C-, or even passing/failing! If you didn't turn in stamps, there's no way I'm rounding up!

Study for your exam! Look through your old tests and quizzes to get an idea of what to look for!

Here's a list of all of the topics covered on your exam (between both the multiple choice and open-ended sections)...

  • Linear Equations (parallel/perpendicular lines and slope)
  • Determine if a graph/equation is a function
  • Evaluate a function--find f(3) or f(x+1)
  • Domain and Range (especially for square root and rational functions)
  • Intervals of increasing, decreasing, constant...
  • Find max/min on the calculator
  • Is a function even, odd, or neither? (graphically and algebraically)
  • Parent functions--know them all
  • Shifting and reflecting functions (algebra aerobics)
  • Function operations: f+g, f-g, fg, f/g, and compositions of functions
  • Inverse functions (algebraically and graphically)
    • Find the inverse of a rational function (looks like a fraction)
  • Find line of best fit on the calculator
  • Quadratics (vertex, x intercepts, y-intercepts, graph, and switch forms)
  • End behavior
  • Real zeros and multiplicity
  • Find all zeros, real and imaginary
  • Long division 
  • Synthetic division
  • Factor a polynomial completely, given a zero (use synthetic to reduce it, then factor the result)
  • Complex Numbers (add, subtract, multiply, divide--use conjugates)
  • Rational Functions! (asymptotes, intercepts, graphing)
  • Factoring

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Quiz Tomorrow!

Tonight, please finish numbers 1 and 4 on the worksheet provided in class--solve both systems using matrices! The systems are below:

1.) 1.5x + 0.8y = 2.3             4.) y = 4x + 3
     0.3x - 0.2y = 0.1                   y = -5x - 12

Then, study! We have a short (15-20 minute) quiz tomorrow on systems and matrices. After that, we'll review some specific types of questions that we'll see on next week's midterm.

Also, don't forget...

  • Same deal as last time--count them up, write the total on the front. I will randomly choose 5 students from each class to double check, so make sure your count is correct.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

No homework?!

I've been going easy on you guys these days (homework wise).....I'll have to assign like 40013141 problems tomorrow :)

No homework tonight....just use this time to start studying for your midterms! Feel free to come in with any questions you might have to review for the test!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Matrices...

Tonight's homework is practice to make sure we know how to use our graphing calculator to do matrix operations. Tomorrow we'll do a Type 2 about matrix operations, then work on systems for the remaining couple days (and review a little...)

Tonight's Homework:
Page 514:  5, 7, 11, 17, 13, 15, 23, 25, 31

Enjoy! See you tomorrow!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

4 Day Weekend?

Alright, matrices....

There's no homework this weekend; however, you will have to complete all of the book problems below next week, so it might be a good idea to get a head start:

Tuesday's HomeworkPage 514: 5, 7, 11, 17, 13, 15, 23, 25, 31 

When we get back to school (either tomorrow or Tuesday) we'll spend 2-3 days learning matrix operations and how to solve systems with matrices. Then, we'll do some review, and get ready for our midterm.

If you did not complete the review packet or were absent today, please bring it to our next class; next week I'll give you all an answer key and we'll see what we need to review for the midterm.

Enjoy the snow if I don't see you tomorrow! And if I do, that's a good thing--just one more day for us to review, and one less day we're here in June!

Stay posted for some opportunities for extra stamps...