Friday, April 29, 2016


Juniors (and anyone else heading to prom)--have a blast tonight! Enjoy the evening, spend some great time with friends, and make lots of lasting memories! And be safe!

This weekend, please complete the take home portion of your test! Remember, this is due Monday--no exceptions! (See below if you need the question).

  • This is just as much a lesson in responsibility as it is rational functions! In college there are no moving deadlines or late work--you adhere to the deadline and be responsible, or you don't! This is practice for that--so get your test done and get a 100% on it!
If you were out Friday you still need to do this! No excuses! Also, if you were out Friday, you will have to make up your test before the end of the week!

Homework: Take Home Portion of Test (a lesson in responsibility!):

  • DUE MONDAY, no exceptions!
  • This will count as 16 points! (not 8, as stated on the problem)
  • Find the asymptotes and intercepts of the function, as well as some additional points, and then graph the function
  • Here's the question:

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Test Tomorrow: Rational Functions!

Tomorrow we will have our test on rational functions! There is a no calculator portion, a calculator portion, and a take home portion! Here's a breakdown of what's on it:

Part 1: No calculator allowed! (22 minutes)

  • Starts with 3 multiple choice (like Tuesday's sub work):
    • Determine the domain of a function
    • Find the horizontal asymptotes of a function
    • Identify the graph of a rational function (without a calculator)
  • Open Ended:
    • Find the vertical asymptotes and horizontal asymptotes of 2 functions
    • Identify the coordinates of a point of discontinuity
    • Find the y-value of a function for a given x-value
    • Find the x and y intercepts of a function
Part 2: Calculator Portion (20 minutes)
  • You will have 2 graphic organizers, just as we've been doing for homework!
    • Identify x-intercepts, y-intercepts, domain, range, vertical asymptotes, horizontal asymptotes, and additional points
    • Use your graphing calculator to create a table of additional points!
    • Then, use this information to graph the function!
    • One of the two graphs with have a "hole" in it!
Part 3: Take Home Portion (a lesson in responsibility!)
  • DUE MONDAY, no exceptions!
  • This will count as 16 points! (not 8, as stated on the problem)
  • Find the asymptotes and intercepts of the function, as well as some additional points, and then graph the function
  • Here's the question--it might be a good idea to do this tonight! 
    • Then you won't have weekend homework!
    • AND, by doing this tonight, you're doing some studying!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday HW!

Tonight, please complete the webs for the two functions below--remember, both of these graphs have points of discontinuity (or holes) in them! This is based on what we discussed today in class!

Tomorrow we'll do some review, and then on Friday we will have a test on rational functions!

Do your homework! Here are the two functions you'll need to graph:

Friday, April 22, 2016

Monday HW/Tuesday Classwork

Tonight, please complete the graphic organizers for the two functions provided in class or below--this is practice for our test later this week!

Tomorrow, in class, you will have a sub--please complete the multiple choice packet provided; you may work in small groups or with a partner (or individually). Please be sure to turn this in to the sub--it will be collected/graded as a classwork assignment.

I will check your two webs (Monday's homework) when I'm back on Wednesday! Then, we'll learn how to graph functions with "holes," and then it'll be test time!

Here are the functions for Monday's homework:

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thursday HW

Tonight's homework: be sure to sign up for Khan Academy! 

Tomorrow I will be checking my class roster--all you have to do for your homework credit is register! Don't waste this opportunity for an easy homework grade!

The directions are posted below (in case you need some help), and Khan Academy is linked on the right!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday...NO HW!

No homework tonight! Enjoy the night off!

Tomorrow we'll get back to work and do some graphing classwork! See you there!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

2'sDay HW

Tonight, please find the x-intercept(s), y-intercept(s), vertical asymptotes, and horizontal asymptotes for each of the four slides provided class or below (bottom two slides on the front page, top two slides on the back page).

Tomorrow in class we'll start to do some graphing practice! See you there!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Back To Work!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook: Find the vertical and horizontal asymptotes for each function!

Page 157: 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34

Tomorrow we'll get back to work with graphing our rational functions! See you there!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

April Break (Some HW)!

First and foremost, enjoy your break!

Please complete the rational functions classwork (below) if you did not complete it in class, OR IF YOU WERE ABSENT. This will be collected and graded on Monday. "I was absent" is not a sufficient excuse not to have it--so get this done! (Or you can email me and I can send you the attachment).

When we come back we'll continue to work with rational functions! See you there! Rest up, relax, and come back ready to learn!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

When's Day!

Tomorrow you will have 15 minutes to finish the 10 multiple choice questions for our test! 

So, tonight your job is to STUDY! Check yesterday's blog post to see 10 sample questions along with the answers!

See you all tomorrow! Enjoy your Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016



The test will have two parts: multiple choice and open ended.

Here's what's on the open-ended portion:

  • Find all zeros of a function
    • Find real zeros to see where the function bounces/crosses
    • Use repeated synthetic division to reduce the function to a quadratic
    • Find zeros by factoring or quadratic formula
  • Write a function in factored form
  • Write the equation of a function given its zeros (real and imaginary--like last night's homework)
  • Operations with complex numbers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division (like today's stamp!)
  • Simplify powers of i
  • Check out the two answer keys below for some specific examples of what's on the open ended
For the multiple choice section, use the pre-test questions provided below (or in class today)! The answers are also provided.

Lastly, here are some sample problems (answer keys) to reference for tomorrow's test:

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday HW!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 141: 35, 36, 37, 53, 54

**If you do not complete the evens (36 and 54) along with the odds, you will not earn homework credit!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Weekend HW

This weekend, please complete today's classwork! Great work today in class!

Back to work on Monday...see you then!

If you lost yours or were out, here's the classwork from today: