Tuesday, September 17, 2013

First Blog Post!

It's the first ever PreCalc blog post!

Check the list on the right for the topics on tomorrow's quiz!
Tonight, you have to create three examples for types of functions: one example for one-to-one, one for one-to-many, and one example for many-to-one. The definitions of these are provided on your powerpoint slides--read them and do your best to create your own example of each type of function. Then, google it! Check your answer!

In case you forgot your powerpoint slides (or lost them), here you go...
A function is one-to-one  if…
For each x-value there is exactly one y-value
For each y-value there is exactly one x-value
Horizontal Line Test!
A function is one-to-many if…
For some inputs there are multiple outputs
A function is many-to-one if…
Some output is associated with multiple different inputs
Multiple inputs give the same output 

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