Thursday, May 22, 2014

Take Home Test!

First and foremost, enjoy your 3-day weekend! I know I've been making you work hard (especially on today's quiz); I appreciate all of your hard work! Keep it up! Only 7 more class periods to work through (or even fewer for seniors!)

The extra-credit "solving trig equations" worksheet is due next Friday.

Your homework this weekend is your take home test! Get an A and boost your average!
  • The take home test is due Tuesday
  • If you are absent on Tuesday and you are a senior, you MUST drop off your take home test before you leave for the senior picnic on Wednesday or your test will be counted as late.
  • You will lose 10 points for every day you turn in your test late!
Check out the images below if you need/lost/don't have the test! (or, you can email me and I will send you an attachment.

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