Monday, June 2, 2014


Study, study, study! Tomorrow's test is worth 69 points, more than any other test this quarter! (23 multiple choice questions @  3 points each).

The test covers anything we've learned this year....use the list we made in class today to study! If you were absent, get in touch with someone who was here and ask them for their list! You can also use your take home tests to study.

In addition, your final quiz grade is the sum and difference formula quiz...we started this with partners on Friday, and many of you took it home for homework today. This is due Wednesday. (if you finish your test early you can work on this).

So, to recap:
  • Test tomorrow...23 multiple choice questions on anything from trig
  • Sum and Difference quiz due Wednesday
  • Stamps due Wednesday
Feel free to email with any questions!

*If you are absent tomorrow you will make up the test during our class period on Wednesday.**

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