Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! You all have been working hard this year....take this well-deserved opportunity to rest up, relax, and enjoy some time with your friends and family! We'll get back to the hard work as we discuss "holes" in rational functions and review for a unit test when we get back!

Until then, please complete the take home test (provided in class) for homework! Don't forget!

If you lost yours or you were absent (or you want an electronic copy), just send me an email (carofano.fm@easthartford.org) and I'll reply with a copy of the test!

And in the spirit of Thanksgiving, check out this fantastic Stove Top Stuffing commercial!

Enjoy the break! See you all on Monday!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Extra Credit?

We're halfway done PreCalc!

And there's no homework tonight!

Tomorrow (in class) we'll finish up our matching activity and then we'll finish up our unit! How exciting! And we'll get a take home test! Yay!

Great work today in class! Keep it up!

Oh, and here's an extra credit homework assignment (this can get rid of a homework 0!). This will only be accepted if you have it tomorrow:

Page 148: 7-12 (matching), 23 (only part c, complete the table), 35abc

Do it! Even if you don't have a homework 0....then you'll have one to "waste" in the future!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Wknd HW!

Great work today with those graphic organizers! Hopefully you're starting to feel more and more confident about graphing rational functions. On Monday we'll do some more practice with a matching activity, and then on Tuesday we'll learn the last pieces about rational functions. When we're back from Thanksgiving we'll do a little review and then have a test on rational functions!

This weekend, please complete the following in your textbook (the paper I gave you in class was just a photocopy of the book page):

Page 149: 13, 15, 17, 19 (just do part (b) of the directions; find the vertical and horizontal asymptotes for each function)

Page 149: 31, 32, 33, 34 (find the x-intercepts for each function without a graphing calculator)

Enjoy! Have a great weekend...enjoy the warm Sunday! I'll see you all Monday morning!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook: (you know I'm checking)

Page 157: 10, 15, 19
  • Graph the rational function for each
  • If you don't do 10, no credit! (because then you probably just copied from the book!)
  • For full credit, I expect to see the asymptotes, intercepts, and some additional points plotted
    • Your work should convince me that you didn't just copy these from the back of the book!
Also, remember your signed grade report is due tomorrow. This counts as a double homework! It should be an easy 100%!

And in case you need some help, here are a bunch of youtube videos you can watch about graphing rational functions!

Tomorrow in class we'll finish up 2 more graphic organizers (for a classwork grade)! On Monday we'll keep practicing, and on Tuesday we'll talk about holes! Wooo!

Enjoy your Thursday! See you all in the am!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday HW!

You have two homework assignments to worry about...
  1. Please complete the graphic organizer for the rational function we started in class
    1. You have to find the coordinates of 9 additional points (3 to the left of the VA, 3 between the VA's, and 3 to the right of the VA)
    2. Then, sketch the graph!
  2. Get your grade report signed! This is due by Friday and counts as a double homework!

We'll spend the next few days practicing graphing rational functions to get ready for a test on Tuesday! Wooooooo!

Enjoy your "hump day." See you all in the morning!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rational Functions!

DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Our quiz grades clearly show who has and who has not been working hard outside of class. If you want to improve in this course you have to put in work when you leave...and that means doing your homework! This course will only get more and more challenging as time goes by...if you're just sitting back and being complacent your grades are going to suffer!

Tonight, please complete slides 1-4 on the handout provided in class. I'm checking...do it! If you lost yours you can find the questions below...

Monday, November 17, 2014

Quiz Tomorrow!

Tonight--study! Tomorrow we have a quiz on graphing rational functions!
  • The quiz is similar to problems from this past weekend's homework and today's stamp problem!
  • Here's an outline of what you need to know to "ace" the quiz:
    • Find x-intercepts of a rational function
    • Find y-intercepts of a rational function
    • Find the vertical asymptotes
    • Find the horizontal asymptotes
    • Describe the end-behavior of a rational function
    • Find additional points (choose a couple x-values on either side of the VA; then, sub these in for x to find y; now you have the coordinates of some points to plot!)
    • Use all of the above information to graph rational functions
    • Define the domain and range of a rational function
Enjoy! Use your homework/answer key, stamp problem, and your notes to study!

After our quiz we'll learn some more about rational functions, and start to graph more and more complex ones! Yayyyy!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Wknd HW

This weekend, please complete the rational function practice (worksheet) provided in class. You can find it below if you lost yours or were absent!

Let's start being more consistent about doing our homework (as a class). Many of us do it every night....others never do it. Let's find a balance and be in a class where everyone does their homework (almost) every night! The more you do homework, the better you'll do on your quizzes/tests!

On that note, this weekends homework/worksheet is a perfect representation of what will happen when I give you a pop quiz next week! (probably on Tuesday...)

So....enjoy the cold....rest up, relax....have some fun with your friends/family....and DO YOUR PRECALC HOMEWORK! :)

See you all on Monday!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thursday HW....do it!

DO YOUR HOMEWORK! I had to give too many zeros today!

If you want any nights off, you'll all have to do your homework first!

Tonight, please complete the 2 graphs and the accompanying questions (domain, range, vertical asymptotes, horizontal asymptotes) provided. If you lost yours or were absent you can see the worksheet below.

Tomorrow we'll go over these problems and formalize the ideas into some notes. Then we'll do some in class practice. On Monday we'll start looking at even more complex rational functions! Yay!

Enjoy your evening! See you manana!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

It's Wednesday?

Today definitely felt like a Monday to me.

Today in class we started our notes (a little bit) on our new unit, Rational Functions.

Please be sure to complete the investigation of rational functions that we started in class for homework. You can find it below if you lost yours or were absent!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Enjoy Your Day Off!

Hopefully you all aced today's test!

I will have them graded, at the latest, by Thursday, but I am hoping to have the tests graded for you on Weds.

No homework tonight! Rest up, relax, and enjoy Veteran's Day! It's supposed to be nice outside...go play!

On Wednesday in class we will start our next unit, rational functions. This might be a more difficult section, and it might be new to many of us, so be ready to learn! See you all on Wednesday!

Friday, November 7, 2014


Study, study, study!

On Monday our test has three parts...here's a breakdown of exactly what to study for Monday:
  • Open Ended: No Graphing Calculator:
    • 2 Questions about finding all (real and complex) zeros of a polynomial
    • This section is just like last night's homework!
  • Open Ended with Graphing Calculator:
    • Identify the degree, leading coefficient, number of zeros, and describe the end behavior given a polynomial
    • Divide polynomials using long division (like today's stamp)
    • Add/subtract/multiply/divide complex numbers (study your complex numbers quiz)
    • Simplify powers of I (study your complex numbers quiz)
    • Write the equation of a polynomial given the zeros (remember complex zeros always appear in conjugate pairs)
    • Find the vertex and x-intercepts of a quadratic function (like Thursday's stamp)
    • Then, use these to write the equation in vertex form and intercept form (like Thursday's stamp)
  • Multiple Choice with Graphing Calculator3
    • Study the pre-test I passed out today in class!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday HW...

Tonight, please finish the worksheet (zeros of polynomials) that we started in class!
  • Remember, we already did #5 in our notes, so you can skip it! (unless you were out yesterday)
Tomorrow we'll do some review for our test on Monday! Come prepared with any questions you may have!

And on another note....great work today! Keep it up tomorrow so we're all ready to ace Monday's test!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday HW!

Good work today!

On a less positive note, there was an unacceptable number of people who got a 0 on a take home quiz...that isn't going to help your grade! We had the weekend, Monday, and Tuesday to get it done...there's no excuse! :(

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook. This will count as 2 homework assignments (as the first 4 problems were assigned Monday):

Page 140: 1, 3, 5, 23

Page 140: 19, 25, 35, 37 (don't worry about 43 even though it was posted in class)

See you all tomorrow for some practice/review before our big test!

This was supposed to be posted Monday....but it was on the Stats blog...

Good morning! Sorry I'm not there with you today :( I'll be back for some "zeros of polynomial functions" on Wednesday!

Today, get an A on your classwork--some review of factoring and solving quadratics!

For homework, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 140: 1, 3, 15, 23

And I'll be collected your take home quizzes on Wednesday now, so you have an extra 2 nights! Don't forget about that!

See you Wednesday! Enjoy your day off tomorrow!