Thursday, November 20, 2014


Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook: (you know I'm checking)

Page 157: 10, 15, 19
  • Graph the rational function for each
  • If you don't do 10, no credit! (because then you probably just copied from the book!)
  • For full credit, I expect to see the asymptotes, intercepts, and some additional points plotted
    • Your work should convince me that you didn't just copy these from the back of the book!
Also, remember your signed grade report is due tomorrow. This counts as a double homework! It should be an easy 100%!

And in case you need some help, here are a bunch of youtube videos you can watch about graphing rational functions!

Tomorrow in class we'll finish up 2 more graphic organizers (for a classwork grade)! On Monday we'll keep practicing, and on Tuesday we'll talk about holes! Wooo!

Enjoy your Thursday! See you all in the am!

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