Thursday, October 8, 2015

4 Day Weekend and TAKE HOME TEST!

Also, this weekend, please complete the TAKE HOME TEST provided in class (or below)!
  • This is a test grade! Use your notes, your textbook, and any online resources you like to help you get a 100%! Take advantage of the "take home" part of the test!
  • Questions 1-10 will be the test grade....questions 11-14 are extra credit!
    • TRY THE EXTRA CREDIT! Don't waste a chance at extra points! Nothing happens if they're wrong!
    • For questions 10-14, you're thinking backwards...
      • Remember, an "inverse" is used to find an you have to think backwards with your unit circle, and determine what angles have the given ratio
      • For example, #11 is asking you "which angles on the unit circle have a sine that is -root 2 over 2?"
      • Or #12 asks, "which angles on the unit circle have a cosine equal to one half?"
      • 11-14 should each have 2 answers
The take home test shouldn't take toooo long....get it done early, and then enjoy the rest of your week! The take home test is below if you need it!

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