Monday, November 30, 2015

Welcome back! Quiz Tomorrow!

Welcome back! I hope you all had an awesome break of resting, relaxing, and lots of eating!

I'm looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow! Be ready to work hard as we continue to push through these trigonometric identities for about another week, with some quizzes along the way.

Tomorrow we will start class with a quiz: write/derive the Pythagorean identities in at least 5 different ways/forms! You'll have about 7 minutes to do this. Whether you memorize the identities or understand how to derive them, that's up to you--but get an A tomorrow!

If you were out today you missed the STAR test; you will have to make it up! (Classwork grade)

After our quiz we'll get into some more practice! See you there! Have a great Monday!

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