Friday, January 20, 2017

Study, study, study, stuuuudyyy.......stuuuuuuudddyy!

This weekend and week is all about preparing yourself to succeed on your midterm exams! It is absolutely essential that you prepare yourself for this midterm! 

Study, study, study!
  • Use Khan Academy and the assigned topics!
  • Look over your notes!
  • Read through the outline of topics provided yesterday; identify your strengths/weakness, and then use Khan (or your notes) to review the topics you identify as areas of improvement!
  • Look over your old tests--these summarize the main ideas from each unit!
  • Look over your winter break take home test!
  • Use your PDF textbook (link on the right) to review different topics and to see worked examples!
  • And finally, organize and look over all of your "midterm review" stamps!
    • These all represent questions on the exam--so look over these and be sure you know how to do them all (on your own)!
    • Maybe even re-try them on separate paper and pretend you're taking a test!

And remember: Stamps are due by the day of your exam! 
  • Count up your stamps...twice (double check)
  • Fasten them together/put them in an envelope/bag/something...
  • Write your name and the total on the front
  • Double check!
  • I will randomly select 5 or 6 students per class and double check your count...if it's off you get a 0!

I'll see you all on Tuesday! Feel free to email/Remind me any time with questions! I'm looking forward to you all making me proud on our exam next week! See you there!

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