Thursday, March 9, 2017

Weekend HW!

I know I didn't announce homework but as always you should be checking the blog every night! Your homework is simple tonight, you're just drawing the sin, and cos curves (just like you did in that investigation). I am providing you with a table of values, you need to draw a coordinate plane, label the x and y axes. From there just plot the points and connect them. Tomorrow we will be extending this knowledge to plot another period past the one we already drew, if you want you can brainstorm some ideas about what those x values would be for the second period. We know that the tick marks are equidistant (the same distance away), using this knowledge what can we figure out about the x values in the second period.

So, for homework this weekend: 
  • Fill out a table of values for sin(x); use x-values listed below!
  • Then, graph sin(x) on a coordinate plane
  • Fill out a table of values for cos(x); use the x-values shown below!
  • Graph cos(x) on a coordinate plane
  • *Be sure to label your x and y axes correctly.
  • Do this in your notes!
  • You must come to class understanding how to graph these functions on Monday!

Y =

 π / 2


3π /


Y =

 π / 2


 3π / 2


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