Monday, January 5, 2015

Extra Credit Flash Cards!

Want some extra credit? And to study?

Flash cards must be (correctly) created for each of the following:
Each property/term must be defined with a mathematical example and/or described in words.

Create these flash cards so that they are helpful to you. Do whatever is going to allow you to best prepare yourself for our next quizzes/tests/midterm! 

1.Fractional exponents
2.Negative exponents
3.y=logab (re-write in exponential form)
7.Domain of logarithms
8.Relationship between an exponential and logarithmic function (asymptotes/intercepts, domain/range, coordinates, symmetry; *this does not require mathematical example*)
12.Change of Base formula (you can find this in section 3.3 of your textbook, or just google it! That's what I did!)

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