Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Midterm Review Time!

Sorry for the late post...had some technical difficulties earlier.

Tonight, please complete questions 1-20 in the midterm review packet (provided today in class).

This is a longer homework than usual; you will have to take some time to use your notes to look up things you don't remember, you may have to look at old quizzes, etc. The more effort you put into studying now, however, the less you'll have to worry on your 3-day weekend before the exam! 

I did my homework as well; tomorrow I have a completed answer key for you (for questions 1-20), as well as one for our weekend homework. (Did anyone figure out 15-17? Not me.)

Tomorrow in class we'll talk about some homework questions, then we'll practice some "solving exponential equations." 

After that, most likely on Thursday, we'll learn how to solve logarithmic equations, and have a quiz on Friday. 

Busy week! Keep working hard!

Enjoy your Monday!

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