Friday, March 6, 2015

Wknd Homework!

This weekend, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 264: 13 - 35 (odd)

  • Remember, for each of the angle measures given, you need to find the corresponding angle and coordinate pair on the unit circle...
  • Then, we know that the x-coordinate is the cosine, and y-coordinate is the sine!
  • These might be tough...try! Do your best! On Monday we'll do some classwork with this stuff, and then we'll have a quiz on Tuesday (or Wednesday)! Get your practice in with this homework!
  • We will have a short quiz instead of a stamp on Monday: it will be 5 questions taken directly from your homework!
Use your textbook, the links on the blog, and maybe even some videos to help you figure this stuff out!

See you all Monday! Enjoy your weekend!

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