Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Break Time! Happy Holidays!

You made it! Have an awesome break! Rest up, relax, spend some quality time with family and friends, and come back recharged for our midterm exams!

There is no formal assignment to complete over winter vacation. However, it would be a very good idea to start studying for your midterm! You will have some review assignments after break, so some studying would make those assignments a little easier!

There will not be any more stamp problems for this quarter, so it would also be a good idea to count up your stamps and get them together! They'll be due on exam day (or before).

Lastly, here's what's going on the two days after break (with the sub):

  • Monday: You should be given a "packet" (2 pages) with "Graphing Review!" as the title. You should complete as much of this in class as possible (hopefully all of it), and complete the rest for homework. This must be completed for Thursday, January 7th.
  • Tuesday: You will be given another packet, this time multiple choice. This says "Universal Screen: Trigonometry." Again, complete what you can in class, and complete the rest for homework. Skip questions 20 and 21. 
  • Ultimately, you need to have both packets completed and with you in class on Thursday.
  • Be productive! Make yourself (and me) proud! Convince me that I made the right decision in not giving you break work by doing a great job with the sub!

See you all in 2016! Enjoy your time off!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Almost there...

No homework tonight!

However, if you did not finish your test today, you will have the opportunity to do so tomorrow! So study, study, study if there was anything you didn't know how to do!

Check yesterday's blog post for more info about the test (if you need it)! Otherwise, see you tomorrow!

Enjoy your Tuesday!

Monday, December 21, 2015


STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! Test tomorrow!

Tomorrow's test will cover identities (sections 5.1 and 5.2) and solving trig equations (section 5.3).

  • You will be given a blank unit circle
  • 3 forms of the Pythagorean identities will be provided
  • The best way you can study is to complete the review multiple choice questions provided in class, and review today's stamp problem!
Here's an outline of exactly what's on the test tomorrow:
  • Simplify/verify trig identities
    • Using Pythagorean identities
    • With factoring
      • "Diamond method/style" (if there's 3 terms)
      • Factor out a greatest common factor (GCF)
      • Difference of squares (2 terms)
    • Adding/subtracting fractions
      • Find a common denominator and simplify
    • "Foiling"
      • Remember, (a + b)^2 IS NOT equal to a^2 + b^2 (We have to "foil," so we'd get a^2 + 2ab + b^2)
  • Solving trig equations
    • Isolate/solve for the trig term (get it "by itself")
    • Taking square roots (remember the + or -)
    • Combining like terms
    • Substituting using Pythagorean identities
      • Factoring, "quadratic or diamond method/style" (3 terms)
    • Move all terms to one side and then factor
Lastly, here are the multiple choice answers so you can use them to study!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Weekend = Study for Tuesday!

We have a test on Tuesday covering sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3--in other words, our test will be entirely made up of identities and trig equations!

On Monday we will review for our would be a good idea to start studying this weekend since you don't have any official homework!

  • Use the bingo questions/answers I gave you today--do these practice problems to get ready for the "solving trig equations" part of the test!
  • Look over your identities quizzes!
  • Look at the examples (maybe even write them down to help you remember) from sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 of your test!
See you Monday! Then, test Tuesday, and a little trig Weds! 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday HW!

Tonight, please complete the 7 trig equations that we started in class (or below): (and do it so we can play bingo tomorrow!)

  • If you were out, do these 7 problems and you'll be all caught up! They're based on Wednesday's notes!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Thursday HW

Tonight, please complete the 2 problems provided in class (or below):

Both of these problems will require you to factor "quadratic style"! Good luck!

Only 4.5 more days of hard work! Tomorrow we'll continue working with quadratic like trig equations, Friday we'll review our trig equations, Monday we'll get ready for our test, and then it's test time on Tuesday! Stay focused and do your homework!

Great work yesterday in class, and getting Monday night's homework done!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday HW

Tonight, please complete any (quiz) questions that you did not finish in today's class. Remember, this is a quiz, so get these done!

  • If you have less than 4 problems left to do then just do the ones you didn't finish!
  • If you're checking the blog you can finish any problems you didn't finish in class! (even if it's more than 4)!
  • If you were absent today, complete each of the 9 problems below on separate paper (number each problem, write the equation, show all work) and you'll be all caught up!
See you all tomorrow--for some different (harder?) trig equations! Almost there!

Want some extra credit toward your quiz grade? (This extra credit can boost any past quiz if you get over a 100% on this)!
  • You can get one point for trying each, and then additional points if you solve them correctly!
  • Extra credit: solve each of these additional equations: both will require you to use Pythagorean identities and combine like terms...

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday HW!

Tonight, please solve the 7 trig equations that we started in class (or below).

  • Remember, for 1-4 you want to move all of the trig terms to one side, then factor, then solve (find the angle measures that satisfy the equation)
  • For 5-7, isolate the trig term (get it by itself), then find the angle measures that satisfy the equation

Tomorrow in class we'll have a graded assignment based on tonight's homework. You will have to do this by yourself tomorrow--so do your homework! Then, we'll learn how to solve "quadratic like" trig equations.

Here's an outline of what's coming up until break:
  • Tuesday: classwork (individual, graded); notes on solving "quadratic like" trig equations
  • Wednesday: more notes/practice with "quadratic like" trig equations
  • Thursday: classwork--solving trig equations (all types)
  • Friday: solving trig equations bingo!
  • Monday: review of identities and solving trig equations (for test)
  • Tuesday: test on identities and solving trig equations (5.1 to 5.3)
  • Wednesday (half day): quick midterm review assignment

Friday, December 11, 2015

Weekend HW: Only 2 Problems!

This weekend, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 364: 21, 24

For each of these problems you'll have to use the same strategy as we did in class today--move the terms to one side of the equation, then factor.

I plan to check this Monday--should be easy homework credit since it's only 2 problems! So do it!

Have a great weekend! 7.5 more school days until break!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday HW: Solving Trig Equations

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook: (THIS HOMEWORK WILL COUNT AS DOUBLE, SO DO IT!)

Page 364: 1, 7, 13, 17, 18, 19

  • SHOW ALL WORK! If you do not, then you copied the answers from the back of the book....that's a 0!
  • Remember, when you are asked to "verify," you need to substitute the given angle measure into the equation and show that it is a solution
  • Use our notes from today for solving the equations! If you get stuck, look at the examples on pages 356-357!
  • If you do not do question 18 then you can receive at most half credit!
See you tomorrow for some more trig equations!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

No HW!

No homework tonight! Enjoy your night off!

Tomorrow we'll get back to work on solving trig equations! See you there!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Tomorrow you will have 25 minutes for your "verifying identities" quiz! Study!

  • Look over the "Things to Look For" sheet I made and gave to you!
  • Review the problems from Friday's quiz (that you got back today)!
  • Look back at last night's homework examples, as well as today's classwork!
  • Google stuff! (verifying identities)
  • Be sure you know how to use a conjugate to verify an identities
  • Also be sure you can find a common denominator when adding/subtracting fractions
  • Make sure you know how to FACTOR to verify...
    • With 3 terms, use the "diamond method" type factoring...(     )(     )
    • With 2 terms, remember to look for a difference of squares!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday HW!

Monday = back to the grind! Time to work!

Tonight, please complete the "Verifying Trig Identities Quiz" provided in class (or below).


Tomorrow in class we will work together to practice some verifying identities! Then, on Wednesday, we'll take a verifying quiz, and then begin some new stuff!

See you there!

Here are the 6 homework questions in case you need them:

Friday, December 4, 2015

Weekend HW = Collected and Graded (so do it!)

This weekend, please complete the "Solving Trig Equations" worksheet provided in class (or below).

This assignment will be collected and graded as classwork, so make sure you get it done! (That means it weighs a lot more than a "regular" homework!)

Use section 5.3 of your book for help, or maybe check out some of the links on the right! You got this! And make sure you try the bonus!

Here are some examples you can use as a reference: this weekend's homework takes us back to the unit circle, with a little bit of a "new" twist...

Have a great weekend and I'll see you all on Monday for some more identities!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Identities Quiz Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will start class with our quiz on trig identities! You will have a max of 25 minutes for the quiz! (After that, we'll get into more verifying...)

We all know these identities are it's important that you STUDY!

  • Look over the take home quiz answer key I gave you! Read through these examples and the solutions! It would be a great idea to re-try the take home quiz on your own, then use my answer key to check your work!
  • Review the "8 Basic Trig Identities" worksheet we had for homework!
    • You also have an answer key for this! Read through the solutions and see what you did right/wrong!
  • Read over the "Things to Look For" sheet I gave you today in class! These are general tips we can use for solving identities!
  • KNOW YOUR IDENTITIES! Be sure you know the Pythagorean identities and the other basic reciprocal/quotient identities (our notecards)!
  • Look in section 5.1 and 5.2 of your textbook to see more examples done out!
  • Look up videos online about trig identities (simplifying and verifying)!
See you tomorrow! Enjoy your Thursday!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wed nes day HW

Tonight please complete the following problems from your textbook (remember, I gave you a printout of the page in class today, so you may not need your book):

Page 346: 33, 37, 51, 53, 61, 63, 65

  • Remember to pay attention to the words I boxed or notes I made by the questions--these are giving you hints as to how to start each identity!
  • Good luck! Remember--it's all about trying!
And here are the answers so you can check:

33.) 1
37.) 1 + sinY
51.) cos^2(x) ("cosine squared x")
53.) cosx + 2
61.) 1 + 2sinxcosx
63.) tan^2(x) ("tan squared x")
65.) 2csc^2(x) ("2 cosecant squared x")

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Two'sDay HW

Tonight, please complete the trig identities worksheet provided in class today! (the problems are below if you lost yours or were out)

Remember...trig identities are about a few things:
  1. Practice. Each problem is different; the only way to get better is to do tons of practice problems, so do your homework!
  2. SHOWING WORK. Your work is what's being graded, so your work must be organized, neat, and thorough to receive full credit.
  3. Trying. Because each problem is different, you may not know what to do immediately. Identities (and "real math") are about trying different strategies/ideas; some may work, others may not. If you try something and it leads to a dead end, try something else.