Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wed nes day HW

Tonight please complete the following problems from your textbook (remember, I gave you a printout of the page in class today, so you may not need your book):

Page 346: 33, 37, 51, 53, 61, 63, 65

  • Remember to pay attention to the words I boxed or notes I made by the questions--these are giving you hints as to how to start each identity!
  • Good luck! Remember--it's all about trying!
And here are the answers so you can check:

33.) 1
37.) 1 + sinY
51.) cos^2(x) ("cosine squared x")
53.) cosx + 2
61.) 1 + 2sinxcosx
63.) tan^2(x) ("tan squared x")
65.) 2csc^2(x) ("2 cosecant squared x")

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