Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday HW

Tonight, please complete any (quiz) questions that you did not finish in today's class. Remember, this is a quiz, so get these done!

  • If you have less than 4 problems left to do then just do the ones you didn't finish!
  • If you're checking the blog you can finish any problems you didn't finish in class! (even if it's more than 4)!
  • If you were absent today, complete each of the 9 problems below on separate paper (number each problem, write the equation, show all work) and you'll be all caught up!
See you all tomorrow--for some different (harder?) trig equations! Almost there!

Want some extra credit toward your quiz grade? (This extra credit can boost any past quiz if you get over a 100% on this)!
  • You can get one point for trying each, and then additional points if you solve them correctly!
  • Extra credit: solve each of these additional equations: both will require you to use Pythagorean identities and combine like terms...

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