Thursday, December 22, 2016

Break is Here! (And a take home test...)

First and foremost, have an amazing break! Spend some quality time with family and friends, rest up, relax, play, and have fun! Use this time to recharge your batteries as we get closer to our midterm exam!

Speaking of the midterm exam, over break you must complete your midterm review take home test! This was provided in class, or you can find it under the "PDF Textbook and Classroom Assignments" link on the right! A few points...

  • Get this done! No excuses!
  • You will lose 10 points for each day this is late. The test will not be accepted after Thursday, January 5th. 
  • Use your notes, PDF textbook, Khan Academy, and other online resources to ace this thing! Don't just try to do this all from memory!
  • The more effort you put into this the more prepared you'll be for the midterm exam!
    • And, of course, the better your test grade will be!
  • This will be our last "big" test of the quarter! We will have one more "smaller" test after break on the new stuff we learn when we're back!
  • Feel free to email/Remind me with questions! However, I will not answer any questions on Monday, January 2nd! (Don't procrastinate!)
  • Get an A!
Again, thank you all so much for handling this week responsibly and just generally being awesome! I'll miss you guys over break! See you soon!

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