Friday, December 2, 2016

Weekend HW!

This weekend please complete the following questions in your 7.3 problem set (or on pages 527-532 of your PDF textbook):

Use row operations (Gaussian elimination) to solve the following: 13, 15, 17, 19

  • I KNOW THIS IS HARD! The only way to get better at this is to PRACTICE, so it's incredibly important you put a strong effort into your homework! (And check your answers!)
  • YES, this will be on a quiz next week, and it will be on our unit test before winter break! So don't just try to avoid these!
  • Don't give up! Remember, you're trying to get to row echelon
    • First, try to use the row operations to get an equation with an leading x-coefficient of 1! Then write this as your first equation!
    • After you can get an equation with an x-coefficient of 1, now try to get an equation with no x term and a y-coefficient of 1! We want this as our middle term!
    • Finally, try to use your row operations to get an equation with no x and no y term, and only a z! This is our third (bottom) equation!
    • Now, solve with back substitution!
    • Remember to show the math, but also describe your row operations in words!
  • If you want more help...
    • Open the PDF textbook and look in section 7.3--you will find the examples we did in class with explanations!
    • Or, google (or search in Khan) "Gaussian elimination" or "row operations" and find a video to watch to help!
      • If you find a good one send it to me so I can share it with the class!
  • If you want more practice...
    • Try any of the odd problems from 13-37 and check your answers!
The most important thing is that you DON'T GIVE UP! Remember, there isn't a step-by-step process that will work every time! We have to come up with ideas and try them--if they fail, try something else!

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