Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday HW!

Tonight's HW is to finish the front page of the worksheet I handed out today during class. If you want extra practice there are a ton of examples on the back. I'll give extra credit to anyone who finishes the entire back.

Other than that just study for the TEST on Wednesday, topics covered include:

  1. Evaluating trigonometric inverses (sin(theta) = 1/2)
  2. Graphing trigonometric inverses (graph y = arcsin(x))
    1. Critical thinking questions about inverse trig functions
  3. Graphing trigonometric reciprocals (graph y = csc(x))
    1. Critical Thinking questions about reciprocals

Use your prior tests/quizzes to study, the test covers everything in 4.6 and 4.7.

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