Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Study/Check out the key I posted!

The homework tonight is just to study for the test tomorrow. I have uploaded a key of the question packet that we used for GRUDGEBALL! below. If you don't end up working on the packet at least check out the critical thinking questions in there. I answer those in full sentences with an explanation of the ideas. Checking these out will do you only good, and I don't know how people will do if they don't work on those critical thinking questions.

Topics covered on our TEST tomorrow include:
  1. Evaluating trigonometric inverses (sin(theta) = 1/2)
  2. Graphing trigonometric inverses (graph y = arcsin(x))
    1. Critical thinking questions about inverse trig functions
  3. Graphing trigonometric reciprocals (graph y = csc(x))
    1. Critical Thinking questions about reciprocals

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