Friday, May 12, 2017

Last Blog Post!

I hope you're feeling confident about today's test!

This will be your last blog post for a while! I'll update periodically with some baby pics, some updates about when I'm popping in, and maybe some other info, but the blog will not be updated with homework each day anymore--Mr. Mason may start to use Remind for that!

No homework this weekend! But next week we start trig equations which will involve the identities and the unit circle -- so be sure you know your unit circle for Monday! Study this weekend so you can prepare yourself to start strong!

And finally, thank you all for an amazing year. I am so proud of the progress you have all made in PreCalculus! It's been an honor and a privilege to be your teacher! I enjoyed coming to work each day and working with all of you--thank you for that! You are an amazing group of individuals and I have the utmost confidence you will succeed moving forward! Even though I was very tough on you, and sometimes even a jerk, I hope you know that I was only trying to push you to give your best. I believe in each and every one of you as individuals! I appreciate all of the hard work you put in throughout the year! I will definitely miss you guys! Feel free to reach out and email me if you ever need anything--you know where to find me!

End the fourth quarter strong! Work hard with Mr. Mason to get an A and go out on top! I wish you the best of luck for the rest of the quarter and beyond!

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