Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday HW!

Seniors--be responsible tomorrow! If/when you miss class for "signing day" come get the classwork from the sub and do it over the weekend! Otherwise I'll have to give it to you to do as homework on Monday night!

Tonight, please simplify each of the identities below for homework--this will be check on Monday (when I'm back) along with your unit circle homework!
  • Skip questions 2 and 3--we did this as our stamp today!
  • Here are the questions: do 1, 4, 5, 6, 7:

  • And here are the answers so you can check:
    • 1.) cot^2(x)
    • 4.) 1
    • 5.) sin(x)
    • 6.) 1
    • 7.) 1

Tomorrow I will be out! Your sub work will be collected and graded, so be on top of your game! After you finish some identity practice you will have a unit circle to complete--we can't forget about that!

Weekend Homework:
  • Complete the unit circle provided by the sub
  • Fill in all angle measures in radians and degrees
  • Label all coordinates
  • Do this without copying the answers from your book or an old unit circle--that's not going to help you LEARN this and PRACTICE! 
Have a great weekend and I'll see you all on Monday!

And remember, on Monday I'm checking the unit circle and the 5 identities above (in blue)!

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