Monday, October 28, 2013

Back to work!

Another start to another week! Yay!

Tonight, please complete the "Population of East Hartford" activity (if you didn't already in class).

Period A: In addition, please complete the 5 questions using a line of best fit to predict the temperature (in Fahrenheit) based on the number of chirps (per second) of a ground cricket.

The regression equation (part b) is below--use this to check your response and complete questions c,d and e.
Equation y = 3.244x + 26.012

Just a couple other reminders...
  1. Test Wednesday!
  2. STAMPS are due Thursday! Make sure you count (twice), write the total on the front, and staple/paper clip them together. Or, some students in the past have put their stamps in an envelope or ziploc bag. I only need the actual "stamp," in case it's in your notes--I don't want to take a page of your notes!

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