Thursday, October 31, 2013


Here's your job tonight and this weekend: to make sure you can FACTOR!

Use the interactive textbook (link on the right) to review some factoring. Or, watch some youtube whatever outside research you need to do to get some help! Don't just ignore this topic!

Tonight, please complete the 12 factoring problems provided in class. You do not need to name the type of factoring; instead, just do the math and factor each.

Tomorrow I will check this homework along with last night's homework (15 more factoring problems). I will also provide you with answer keys for each to use these problems as a resource.

These will be your last two grades (homework grades of course) for the first quarter! Good luck!

**If you actually checked the blog, prove it....write down the poll question and the poll options on a piece of paper, bring it in tomorrow, and I will give you 3 bonus points on a quiz grade! Keep this to yourself! Don't give this information to people who don't check the blog, or I won't continue to do things like this! It's for the people who are responsible and check this site ONLY!**

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