Friday, October 18, 2013


We made it through a short week (but I think it felt longer than 4 days...)

This weekend, practice some inverse stuff....please complete:

Page 69: 1-8

A few more things...if you were absent or just didn't do some prior homeworks, this weekend gives you an opportunity to make up for that. You can complete the homework checked Thursday and then also Friday to get rid of any "0's" you might have.

If you were absent yesterday (Thursday), you also need to complete the homework assignment below (and show me Wednesday's homework too if you didn't do that!)

HW checked Thursday: page 59: 55 - 61

HW checked Friday: Page 69: 9a, 11a, 13a, 15, 17, 19

***Anyone who did not do these originally can turn in these problems on Monday to receive full credit. However, neither of these assignments will be accepted after Monday.

Finally, you also have the opportunity to do an "extra credit" homework assignment. This would replace a prior zero you might have (or, if you don't have any zeros, this will just be extra homework points):

If you like, complete the two graphs provided in class. You are given the graphs of f and g, and asked to graph (f + g)(x). This must be turned in Monday. After Monday, this also will not be accepted (for extra credit):

1. Look at page 58, #'s 1 and 3. These are the same types of questions, and you can use the answers in the back of the book to help you figure out the solution.
2. Create a table of values with the heading below...this will help you consider which points to plot for the graph of (f + g)(x):
                            X values:                f(x):              g(x):               (f + g)(x):

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