Friday, November 8, 2013

3 Day Weekend!

Hopefully you got an A on your quiz today! Mr. Cawley will be in on Wednesday; he'll grade these then, and you'll get them back Thursday (just so you know...)

Here's the homework for this weekend...

Page 108: 9, 11 (sketch a parent function and then sketch a shifted/reflected graph based on this)

Page 111: 99 - 104 (combinations of functions review)

page 111: 107 (just solve, don't graph the inequalities)

A couple other things to consider....

  • If you were not happy with your factoring grade you can retake a different version of the factoring quiz. Of course I would recommend you come to me for some help first, so that you can fix any misconceptions/mistakes you're making. If you do want to retake the quiz it must be done by the end of next week (also known as Friday).
  • This is a rare extra credit opportunity....
    • It'll count as an extra credit homework (so it'll save you from a future 0, almost like a homework pass, AND 2 stamps...)
    • A hint--the numbers in this problem are messy (decimals/fractions and such...)
      • Graph the following quadratic (by hand, showing all of the work) and provide the information listed: f(x) = -4(x^2) + 7x - 3

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