Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Oh, so this is the blog?!

Hello first time blog-checkers! Check this every day! (you have time, it only takes about 1 minute, max....just check this in between all of your social networking :) )

Tonight's Homework:
Page 69: 9a, 11a, 13a, 15, 17, 19; 53, 55, 57, 59,61  (for 53,55,57,59,61 just find the inverse)

Enjoy! Tomorrow we'll finish section 1.6! Then we'll answer some questions, and on Thursday it's test time!

Thursday's Test:
  • Graphing calculator allowed
  • 9 multiple choice (study your pre-test!)
  • A few open-ended (that require the calculator, like relative min/max questions)
Friday's Test:
  • No graphing calculator
  • All open-ended
  • Show all work!

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