Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday HW!

Tonight, please complete two problems--finding all zeros of a polynomial:

  • Find all zeros for the polynomial on the bottom slide of page 2
  • Find all zeros for the polynomial on the top slide of page 3!
    • Remember, after you do your repeated synthetic division (3 times) for this function, you should get the quadratic that is listed in the middle slide!
    • Then, use the quadratic formula to find the two imaginary solutions!
If all of us do our homework tonight I will give you the weekend off!

Finally, remember that STAMPS DUE TOMORROW! Last chance to turn them in! Count them up, write the total on the front, and fasten them together/put them in an envelope or something!
  • Remember, only papers that are actually stamped count! If you sneak in papers that weren't stamped you'll earn a 0 for your stamps! I'm checking!

Here are the homework questions in case you lost your slides or don't have them with you!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

When'sDay HW

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 140: 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15 (Finding zeros!)

  • For #1 and 3, set each term = 0 to find the zeros! (3 has imaginary zeros!)
  • For #9, this quadratic is not factorable--so you must use the quadratic formula!
  • For #11, this also is not factorable--quadratic formula!
  • For #13, "get the x squared by itself" then solve for x--you should get two imaginary zeros!
  • For #15, we can factor this as a difference of squares, then set each term equal to zero! Solve to get 2 real and 2 imaginary zeros!
Also, remember that STAMPS DUE TOMORROW! Count them up, write the total on the front, and fasten them together/put them in an envelope or something!

  • Remember, only papers that are actually stamped count! If you sneak in papers that weren't stamped you'll earn a 0 for your stamps! I'm checking!

See you all tomorrow! Enjoy your Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday HW/Quiz Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will start class with a (15 minute) quiz on complex numbers!

Tonight, please complete the practice quiz for homework! Tomorrow's quiz is just like this--but different numbers!

Also, remember that STAMPS are DUE starting TOMORROW! Count them up, write the total on the front, and fasten them together/put them in an envelope or something!

  • Remember, only papers that are actually stamped count! If you sneak in papers that weren't stamped you'll earn a 0 for your stamps! I'm checking!

Lastly, here are the homework (practice quiz) answers so you can check yours!

  1. a. 3sqrt(5)       b. 10sqrt(2)
  2. a. 4 + i            b. 16 - 8i
  3. a. -20 + 32i     b. 6 - 22i
  4. a. -i                b. -1              c. i
  5. a.  (3 + 3i)/2    b. (22 + 9i)/3 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Monday HW!

Yay imaginary numbers!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 133: 15, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31

(A copy of this page was given to you in class today!)

See you all tomorrow for some more imaginary stuff! Enjoy your Monday!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Happy Easter + Take Home Quiz!

First and foremost, enjoy your 3 day weekend! Happy Easter!

Remember, you will have 10 minutes to complete the 3 questions you circled on today's test. Take advantage of the opportunity! Look at your notes, textbook, or online to review how to do those 3 problems! If you just show up without studying it's a wasted opportunity!

This weekend, please complete the "factoring quiz" provided in class! This will be collected and graded as a 10 point quiz on Monday!
  • For each problem, you simply need to factor the expression--there is nothing to "solve"
  • You will have to use various types of factoring--"diamond method," difference of two perfect squares, factoring out the greatest common factor, and factoring by grouping
    • Look at the number of terms to consider what type of factoring you should use!
    • Use the factoring chart I gave you in class a little while back! 
Make sure you have this done on Monday! Don't get a 0 on a quiz! 

If you lost yours or were absent, the questions are below--you will get a 0 if you don't have this Monday (even if you were out)!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Test tomorrow! Study sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 in your book!

Do your review packet and check your answers!

Look over today's stamp and yesterday's stamp--all that stuff is on the test!

Also look over last night's homework and the answer key!

And look over our quadratics webs from section 2.1!

Here's a breakdown of exactly what' s on your test: (section # in parentheses)

  • Change a quadratic from vertex form to standard form (today's stamp, part b) (2.1)
  • Graph a quadratic (today's stamp, part c) (2.1)
    • Identify the vertex, x-intercepts, y-intercept, then graph
  • Divide polynomials using synthetic division (2.3)
  • Given a polynomial, identify...(2.2)
    • Degree (highest exponent)
    • Leading coefficient (# before the term with the highest exponent)
    • Constant term (term with no variable)
    • Describe end behavior!
  • Divide polynomials using long division (2.3)
  • Find vertex and x intercepts of a quadratic in standard form (2.1)
  • Determine if a given x-value is a zero/solution of a polynomial (2.3)
  • Graph a polynomial by hand (2.2) (yesterday's stamp)
    • Determine x-intercepts, y-intercepts, end behavior
    • Then find coordinates of additional points
    • Plot all points and sketch
  • Factor a polynomial completely given one of its zeros/factors (2.3)
  • Write the standard form of a polynomial given its zeros (2.2)
    • Today's stamp, part a
  • Use synthetic substitution to evaluate a function (2.3)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Two'sDay HW

Tonight, please complete the "Finding Real Zeros" worksheet provided in class...this is you starting to study for the test! Do it!

Tomorrow in class I'll give you an answer key and we'll use our period to review for Thursday! See you there!

There is a 100% chance I check homework tomorrow!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday HW!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 124: 31a, 35, 37, 45, 47

  • For 31a, use synthetic substitution!
  • For 35 and 37 use synthetic division to show the value is a solution/zero of the function!
  • For 45, 47 list all possible rational zeros!
If you were absent today use Examples 6,7 and 8 in section 2.3 to figure this stuff out!

Don't forget, we have test coming up Thursday!

Our test will cover the following:

  • Section 2.1: Quadratic Functions
  • Section 2.2: Graphing Polynomials
  • Section 2.3: Division of Polynomials, Rational Zeros, Synthetic Substitution, Factor Theorem
Start studying now! Spend some time in the math lab or with me for extra help!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Weekend HW = Collected and Graded!

This weekend, please complete the "Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs" worksheet provided in class! This will be collected and graded on Monday as classwork, so do it!

This activity is a review of section 2.2--using zeros, y-intercepts, end behavior to match functions to their graphs! Use your notes and section 2.2 of your book for help!

Enjoy your weekend! (The worksheet is below in case you were out or lost it).

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thursday HW!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 123: 7, 13, 17

See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wednesday HW: Long Division!

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 123: 1, 3, 19

Check your answers in the back of the book!

For each problem, use long division to divide the polynomials! This is your chance to practice--do it! Tomorrow we'll start to add more pieces about division, including another way to divide--synthetic division!

See you there!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Quiz Tomorrow


Tomorrow we will start class with a TIMED quiz! You will not have the whole period--so be sure you know what you're doing! Study, study, study!

Here's what's on our section 2.2 quiz (look over the examples in section 2.2 of your book to study)!

  • Graph a polynomial by hand! Using...
    • end behavior
    • y-intercept
    • x-intercepts
    • multiplicity of x-intercepts (bounce or cross?)
    • additional points
    • Use today's classwork practice and answer key to review!
    • Look at examples 7 and 8 on page 105-106
  • Find the equation of a polynomial given the zeros....
    • Just like today's stamp!
    • Or, look at example 6 on page 104 
    • You can also ook over last night's multiple choice homework!
  • Determine end behavior of a function
    • Look over last night's multiple choice homework!
  • Find zeros of a given function
    • Look over last night's multiple choice homework!
  • Toothpick problem!
    • Examine the pattern and write an equation!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday HW!

Tonight, please complete the 2.2 Multiple Choice (14 questions) provided in class today (or on Friday).

Tomorrow in class we'll do some graphing practice, and then on Wednesday it's quiz time! See you there!

Enjoy your rainy Monday!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Enjoy Your Weekend!

Happy Friday everyone! There is no official homework this weekend...however, it would definitely be a good idea to do the multiple choice questions I gave you (Monday's hw) so you don't have to do them Monday night!

If you were absent you missed some intense notes about graphing polynomial functions--if you can, get them before Monday! And/or review section 2.2 in your notes (graphing polynomials!)

Have a great weekend and I'll see you all soon! Get outside and enjoy this beautiful weather!

And remember...

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Thursday HW

If EVERYONE (even if you were absent) does their homework tonight I will not give you weekend homework...otherwise, we definitely have weekend homework!

Page 108: 1-8, 17, 21, 51, 53
  • For 1-8 you need to match the graph to each function...consider the following:
    • We know if the highest exponent is 1, the graph is a line
    • We know if the highest exponent is 2, the graph is a parabola
    • For functions with exponents higher than 1/2 we need to consider...
      • End behavior: look at the leading coefficient to determine what the graph does on the left/right
      • Possible maxima/minima: look at the highest exponent! Remember the function can only have n-1 possible maxima/minima
      • Possible zeros: look at the highest exponent! Remember the function can have only n possible zeros
        • If the graph "bounces" off of the zero/x-axis it counts as 2/4/6 zeros... (even multiplicity)
        • If the graph 'crosses" through the zero/x-axis it counts as 1/3/5... zeros (odd multiplicity)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday HW

I hope you're all feeling confident after today's quiz!

Tonight, please complete the "Properties of Polynomials" worksheet provided in class (if you didn't finish in class already)!

  • For 1-4, describe the end behavior of the polynomial...
    • Look at the term with the highest exponent and its coefficient!
    • If the highest exponent is even, the polynomial behaves like a quadratic, x^2
    • If the highest exponent is odd, the polynomial behaves like a cubic, x^3
    • Also, consider if the leading coefficient is positive or negative!
      • even exponent, + coefficient: rises left, rises right (like y = x^2)
      • even exponent, - coefficient: falls left, falls right (like y = -x^2)
      • odd exponent, + coefficient: falls left, rises right (like y = x^3)
      • odd exponent, - coefficient: rises left, falls right (like y = -x^3)
  • For 5,6 use a graphing calculator to find the relative maxima, relative minima, and zeros (x-intercepts)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Quiz Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will start class with a QUIZ!

  • You will have to complete a graphic organizer, just like the classwork/answer key you got back today!
    • Find vertex, x-intercepts, y-intercept for a quadratic function (given in 3 different forms)
    • Write the given equation in two different forms!
    • You will also have one application ("word problem") to complete!
    • You will be able to use a graphing calculator throughout, but must show work for the graphic organizer!
After the quiz (30 minutes) we'll get back to our "new stuff"--graphing polynomial functions of higher degree! See you there!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday HW

Tonight, please complete application problems 2-5 on the worksheet provided in class. You may (and should) use a graphing calculator to complete these! The Desmos app is linked on the right!

We will have a quiz on quadratic functions on Wednesday--it will be a web, just like Friday's classwork, along with 1-2 application problems! See you there!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Weekend HW!

Great work today in class! Now, finish great! Be sure to do an equally awesome job as you finish our classwork, to be collected and graded on Monday!

HW: This weekend, be sure to complete the table (provided in class today); then, record your answers and sketch the graph of each function on the separate sheet provided!

  • Remember, you can skip the "additional points" section
  • Use your notes, textbook, and any online resources to complete the table!
    • You should SHOW ALL WORK in the table!
  • Then, record your answers and sketch your graphs on the "graph sheet!"
  • You may (absolutely) use a graphing calculator to check your answers, but I need to see all the work done "by hand" in the table for you to receive full credit!
  • Feel free to email me with any questions! (
If you were absent, this is what you need to do (Friday's work)!
  • The table below shows all of the information you'll need to complete--create this table on separate paper!
  • Then, you can see an example of the "answer sheet" for your graphs! 
  • I will give you hard copies Monday to complete if you were absent (for Wednesday), but it's a better idea to do it this weekend so you're all caught up!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Take Home Quiz Due Tomorrow!

Remember that take home quiz I gave you Tuesday?! Less than 10 out of 26 students turned it in today! Get this done for tomorrow or you'll have a 0 on a quiz!

You should use a graphing calculator to answer everything on the front. Be sure to provide units/labels with your answers.

On the back, you MUST SHOW WORK for #'s 1-3 (do them by hand!). You can use the graphing calculator to check your answers, but you must show the supporting work to receive full credit! You can use the calculator to find the vertex for each function in question 4.

Read the blog post below for lots more information about the take home quiz, and a copy of the questions!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Wednesday/Thursday HW

Tonight/tomorrow please complete the quadratics application problem and axis of symmetry problems provided in class (or below).

This will be collected and graded as classwork on Thursday! Don't forget!

You will need a graphing calculator to answer the first three questions; if you do not have one, or you do not have an app, you can find the Desmos calculator linked on the right! This calculator will make these problems much easier! (They can, however, also be done by hand).

For the back (questions about the axis of symmetry), use the information given, or do some Googling to find more help with finding the axis of symmetry!

A student emailed me looking for some help on the front side--here's my response (below)! This might help if you're stuck! 

Here's a little help for the front side.

The first thing you want to do is graph this function in a graphing calculator (if you don't have one, I strongly recommend the Desmos calculator--you can find a link to it on the right side of the blog).

We have three questions to answer here (on the front), all based on the picture of this graph. Also, notice that the picture at the bottom is labeled with a,b,c--these are visual representations of the questions a,b, and c.

So, for a, look at the graph of the function on the calculator. Which point represents when the child first has the ball? If you look at the graph, you might find a coordinate point, (x,y); so the next question is, if we want to list the height, should we look at the x or y coordinate? What does x represent? What does y represent? (read the context at the top!). You could also do this question by hand if you prefer--look at the hint!

As for b, we now want the maximum height. Find the coordinates of this point (the maximum) on our graph. Again, if we want to provide the height, should we give the x or y coordinate? (That's your decision!)

Finally, for c, we want to find the point where the ball hits the ground. Look at the graph on your calculator compared to the picture on this page to think about which point represents where the ball hits the ground. Now, we want to find the coordinates of this point, (x,y). For this question, we want to provide the distance, or how far from the child the ball hits the ground--is this our x or y coordinate? 

I recommend the Desmos calculator (on the blog or the free app) because you can simply "tap/touch" these points and you will see the coordinates. If we use a TI83 or 84, we have to use the "Maximum" and "Zero" capabilities after we press 2nd-->TRACE.

Good luck! Do your best and be sure to have this done for tomorrow! Enjoy your day off!