Wednesday, March 30, 2016

When'sDay HW

Tonight, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 140: 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15 (Finding zeros!)

  • For #1 and 3, set each term = 0 to find the zeros! (3 has imaginary zeros!)
  • For #9, this quadratic is not factorable--so you must use the quadratic formula!
  • For #11, this also is not factorable--quadratic formula!
  • For #13, "get the x squared by itself" then solve for x--you should get two imaginary zeros!
  • For #15, we can factor this as a difference of squares, then set each term equal to zero! Solve to get 2 real and 2 imaginary zeros!
Also, remember that STAMPS DUE TOMORROW! Count them up, write the total on the front, and fasten them together/put them in an envelope or something!

  • Remember, only papers that are actually stamped count! If you sneak in papers that weren't stamped you'll earn a 0 for your stamps! I'm checking!

See you all tomorrow! Enjoy your Wednesday!

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