Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday HW!

Tonight, please complete two problems--finding all zeros of a polynomial:

  • Find all zeros for the polynomial on the bottom slide of page 2
  • Find all zeros for the polynomial on the top slide of page 3!
    • Remember, after you do your repeated synthetic division (3 times) for this function, you should get the quadratic that is listed in the middle slide!
    • Then, use the quadratic formula to find the two imaginary solutions!
If all of us do our homework tonight I will give you the weekend off!

Finally, remember that STAMPS DUE TOMORROW! Last chance to turn them in! Count them up, write the total on the front, and fasten them together/put them in an envelope or something!
  • Remember, only papers that are actually stamped count! If you sneak in papers that weren't stamped you'll earn a 0 for your stamps! I'm checking!

Here are the homework questions in case you lost your slides or don't have them with you!

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