Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday HW/Quiz Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will start class with a (15 minute) quiz on complex numbers!

Tonight, please complete the practice quiz for homework! Tomorrow's quiz is just like this--but different numbers!

Also, remember that STAMPS are DUE starting TOMORROW! Count them up, write the total on the front, and fasten them together/put them in an envelope or something!

  • Remember, only papers that are actually stamped count! If you sneak in papers that weren't stamped you'll earn a 0 for your stamps! I'm checking!

Lastly, here are the homework (practice quiz) answers so you can check yours!

  1. a. 3sqrt(5)       b. 10sqrt(2)
  2. a. 4 + i            b. 16 - 8i
  3. a. -20 + 32i     b. 6 - 22i
  4. a. -i                b. -1              c. i
  5. a.  (3 + 3i)/2    b. (22 + 9i)/3 

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