Friday, May 20, 2016

2 HW's Due Thursday...

You have two homework assignments to have done for THURSDAY--on Thursday in class we'll pick back up with matrices!

And remember, I will be out of class tomorrow (Tuesday). Here's the plan for class (test grade!): You will be given an assignment entirely about logarithmic and exponential functions. you may only work with one partner but you may use your notes. This will be collected and graded as a test! If you work with more than one person, I will have the sub (secretly) record your names, and you will lost points on your test grade.
HW #1: Please complete questions 1-5 on the "Multiplying Matrices (by hand)" worksheet provided in class! (This is on the back of the 2 problems we already did in class, or below)!

HW # 2: Please complete the evaluating logs worksheet provided in class. For some of you (who had your hw on Friday), this is an extra credit opportunity. For the rest, this is a required assignment.

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