Friday, May 6, 2016

Monday HW!

Tonight, please complete the remaining four slides in our notes packet. This homework assignment will be checked tomorrow!

Tomorrow we'll start class with a quick graphing quiz, and then we'll wrap up this section with a tiny bit more practice. Then it's on to logs!

Here are the four homework slides/questions:

Also, if you have not signed up for Khan Academy yet, you must do so by Monday or you will have a 0 on the easiest homework assignment ever! Don't waste this opportunity for easy homework credit! The steps are below (if you have an account you just need to add me as a coach for our class).

1.       Go to (or it’s linked on our blog)
2.       Choose “Start Learning Now!” (the green tab)
3.       Choose how you will sign in (Facebook, Gmail, or another email)
4.       When you sign in, you will see the home page where you can explore a variety of courses/subjects you can learn!
5.       Click on your name (on the top right), then choose “Profile.”
6.       When you open your profile, you have a few tabs: home, profile, badges, progress, discussion, projects, coaches.
7.       Choose “Coaches.”
8.       Now, “Add a Coach.” Enter the course code for the appropriate course. The class codes are listed below:

o    PreCalculus Class Code:  XR9ZWQ (DOUBLE HW Grade)

o    AP Statistics Class Code: T6HDN8 (DOUBLE HW Grade)

o    Topics In College Algebra Class Code: 7TXDYF (Topics Grade)

9.     Now, explore! Play around with the website and explore all it has to offer!

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