Friday, April 11, 2014

April Break!

We made it to April vacation! Hopefully you all aced today's quiz! Rest up, enjoy your break, and enjoy some of the nice weather! And of course, spend a little time doing your PreCalc!

Come back ready to work; we're going to start exploring some even more complex trigonometric graphs the Monday we're back!

Over break, you have 22 multiple choice questions to complete. If you don't have the packet on Monday, you will lose 6 points; you will lose 6 points for each day you are late--even if you were absent today!

And read the directions! No work, no full credit! Show some evidence that you worked on this!

To those of you who were absent--it is your responsibility to get this done! If you come Monday without the packet, you will still be held accountable and will lose 6 points! If you were absent and need the April break assignment, you have two options:
  1. Email Mr. Cawley or myself (or both of us if you want to make sure you get a quick response); we will then send you back a pdf file with the assignment (to print out).
  2.  OR, I will be at EHHS on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 - noon for an AP Stat review. Feel free to stop by and I will hand you a hard copy of the packet.
And, for those of you who were absent today, you will have to make up your quiz by the Friday after April break!

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