Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Hopefully you all aced today's table to summarize the graphs of the 6 trig functions!

Tonight, you have a TAKE HOME QUIZ. Make sure you do it! If you lost the paper, you can find the questions below.

**For the take home quiz, many questions ask, "How do you know?" You want to think--"Why?" For example, #6 asks which graph has the same asymptotes as tangent. **
  • You cannot simply say, "secant, because the asymptotes are pi/2 + 2(pi)(n). That is not a sufficient response.
  • An acceptable response would explain WHY these asymptotes are the same. How do we find asymptotes? (Set the denominator = 0).
  • These functions, tangent and secant, have the same asymptotes because they both have a denominator of cosine!
Good luck! Use your notes to help you!

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