Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Quiz Tomorrow!

Tomorrow we will start class with a quiz on linear functions--STUDY!

Here's what's on the quiz, and where you can look in your notes/slides to study:

  • Given two points, write an equation in all 3 forms. 
    • Look at your middle left slide where it gives you two points (3,-1) and (5,6); write the equations in all 3 forms. 
    • Here are the answers if you try this:
      • Slope Intercept Form: y = 3.5x - 11.5
      • Point Slope Form: y + 1 = 3.5(x -3) OR y - 6 = 3.5(x - 5)
      • Standard Form: 3.5x - y = 11.5 OR y - 3.5x = -11.5
      • Note: You may use 7/2 instead of 3.5 or -23/2 insead of -11.5
    • Or, look at the last slide--we went over this in yesterday's notes!
  • Determine if two lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither (given two equations).
    • For each equation, first solve for y to identify the slope
    • Then, compare the slopes to see if the lines are parallel (same slope), perpendicular (slopes are opposite signs and reciprocals), or neither!
  • Graph a line given in point slope form and given slope intercept form
    • Look at a and f from today's stamp problem
  • Write the equation of a line through a point and parallel/perpendicular to a given line.
    • Look at the slide on the bottom right of the first page or the top two slides on the second page.
    • First, solve the given equation for y and identify the slope.
    • Next, determine the slope of the parallel/perpendicular line.
    • Now, use this "new" slope and the given point to write an equation!
  • Write the equation of a line passing through two points (in any form).
    • Look back at the first bullet of this list
Don't forget, you also have your textbook as a resource! Look at the examples in section 1.1 to see more problems--first, try them on your own, and then look at the worked out solution to see how you did!
  • Page 5, example 2
  • Page 7, example 4
  • Page 9, example 6
  • Page 10, example 7

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