Friday, January 22, 2016

Weekend HW/Quiz Grade for Monday

This weekend, please complete the following in your textbook:

Page 24: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 43, 45

If you get stuck, do some online research! Or, read pages 16-18 in your book (for 1,3,5,7,9,11)!

For 43 and 45 you want to solve for x when f(x) = 0; so, replace the "f(x)" with a 0, then solve the equation for x! You got that!

Also, remember you need to have a graphing calculator or graphing calculator app on Monday! (QUIZ GRADE!)

  • If you have a calculator, bring it!
  • If not, go to the app store on your phone and search "graphing calculator"--you'll find one!
    • Download the wabbitemu app if possible!
      • I'd recommend the TI84 Plus model b/c that's what I'll use in class
      • You'll need to download "ROM" or something then download an "OS." Just follow these steps and you'll be good!
    • If you can, download a calculator emulator that looks like the ones we use in class!
    • If all of those fail, you can download the DESMOS calculator!

On Monday in class we'll have some (graded) classwork assignments based on this section; then, for Tues-Thurs we'll move on to section 1.3! Finally, on Friday/Monday we'll cover section 1.4, review for a test the following day, and have a test on Wednesday, 2/3!

Do your homework! When you're done, enjoy your weekend!

See you all on Monday!

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