Friday, January 8, 2016



Use all of your resources (and those provided below) to get yourself ready for Wednesday's exam! Yes, this exam is going to be tough; you definitely need to prepare yourself (study) if you want to do well! If you show up "cold" and just wing it, you will likely earn a D or F--so get yourself ready! Review your notes, do practice problems, look over old quizzes/tests--refresh your memory on all you've learned!

Also, remember that STAMPS ARE DUE ON THE DAY OF YOUR EXAM (or earlier)! 
  • Same deal...count your stamps (double check), and write the total on the front
  • Fasten your stamps together (somehow) with your name and the total on the front!
  • If your total is incorrect, you will get a 0--so count twice!

If you're curious, check this out--Scientifically Proven Tips for Studying!

Here is a list of what's on the exam (by topic and section):

And here are a bunch of different ways you can study!

And lastly, here are the answers to the review packet provided in class so you can check your work! (Also, don't forget, the answers to the sub work are in yesterday's blog post):

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