Thursday, November 3, 2016

Quick Quiz Tomorrow!

Tonight...STUDY! Tomorrow we will start class with a quick (10-15 minute) quiz! You will be given a rational function and will be asked to find all asymptotes, intercepts, some additional points (with a graphing calculator), and then graph! (This is pretty much the same as your graphic organizers!)

  • Look over the book problems from Monday/Tuesday night
  • Then look over your graphic organizers that we completed in class yesterday--grade yourself on these using the answer keys provided!

After our quiz we will start to learn a little more about rational functions and introduce points of discontinuity.

And don't forget: STAMPS ARE DUE TOMORROW! Have them counted/ready BEFORE class! If you do not turn in your stamps tomorrow, or you count them in class, you will receive a 0 for your stamp grade!

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