Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Break = Take Home Test!

Have an awesome Thanksgiving break! Enjoy some time with friends and family, rest up, relax, and come back ready to learn lots of math! You do have some homework, and it's a test grade....

This weekend (Thanksgiving break) please complete the take home test questions provided in class or below!

  • Part 1: Complete the SAT multiple choice question and the "solving equations" question (numbered 10,11)!
    • For the SAT question you can either use the "SAT strategies" we learned with Mr. Mason OR you can add the rational expressions using a common denominator! 
    • For the second question use your notes from yesterday!
    • This is an 8 point test grade. 
    • Part 2: Error Analysis
      • On the second page you are given four "answers" that are incorrect--there is a mistake (somewhere) in each solution
      • Your task:
        • Identify the error/mistake that is made in the given (crossed out) solution. You must describe the error that was made in a complete sentence! (1 point)
        • Then, show the correct solution!
          • Pretty much do the problem yourself, correctly! Show this solution and circle your final answer! (2 points)
        • You can do this in the space on the right or on separate paper--whatever works best for you!
        • This is a 12 point test grade.

    Feel free to email or send me a remind message if you have questions--just don't expect a response Sunday night! Get these done early!

    Have an amazing break and I'll see you Monday for some new stuff!

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