Monday, November 21, 2016

Test Tomorrow!

Tonight, STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! Tomorrow we will have our first test of the quarter--put in the work and preparation tonight to start this quarter strong!

Here's what's on the test tomorrow (you also got a copy of this in class):
  • Graphing rational functions with two vertical asymptotes (study your quiz!)
    • Study your graphic organizers!
  • Graphing rational functions with points of discontinuity (study your take home quiz!)
    • Study your graphic organizers!
  • Identifying limits and domain and range given the graph of a function
    • Study our limits homework, limits classwork, and Friday's limits quiz
  • Creating limit questions...
    • Study last Monday's classwork we did in groups (it says "stamp" at the top)
  • Adding,subtracting, multiplying and dividing rational expressions
    • Study our adding/subtracting homework from last Wednesday night or the weekend homework!
  • Solving equations with adding/subtracting rationals
  • Using "SAT strategies" to plug in numbers with multiple choice!
    • Study the notes/classwork and homework from Tuesday! (Mr. Mason's lesson)
  • Also remember you can use Khan Academy to study!

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