Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Please complete the following in your section 2.6 problem set (or page 193 in our PDF textbook);

Page 193: 31, 37, 39, 41

For each number listed above, complete the following:
  • Find the vertical asymptote(s)
  • Find the horizontal asymptote
  • Find the x-intercept(s)
  • Find the y-intercept
  • Then, use the information above to...
    • Find the coordinates of some additional points
    • GRAPH each function!
    • YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GRAPH #39! (It has 3 vertical asymptotes, and we won't see these types of graphs on our test, so just find the intercepts and asymptotes)
Also, remember that STAMPS ARE DUE BY FRIDAY! See the blog post below (Friday's post, look for blue) for directions with your stamps!

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