Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday HW!

Please complete the following in your section 2.6 problem set (or page 193 in our PDF textbook); I will check both Monday and Tuesday's homework on Wednesday since tonight is Halloween!

Page 193: 31, 37, 39, 41

Monday's Homework: for each number listed above, complete the following:
  • Find the vertical asymptote(s)
  • Find the horizontal asymptote
  • Find the x-intercept(s)
  • Find the y-intercept
Tuesday's Homework: use the information found above (Monday's homework), along with some "additional points," to graph each of the rational functions above (31, 37, 39, 41). 

Tomorrow in class we'll continue to work with asymptotes and intercepts and use these to start graphing rational functions! See you there!

And don't forget--STAMPS are DUE WEDNESDAY! See the blog post below (Friday's post) for more details on what to do with your stamps!

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