Thursday, October 6, 2016


This weekend be sure to COMPLETE YOUR TAKE HOME TEST! (due Tuesday!)

Be sure to SHOW ALL WORK for any questions marked with **!

As we discussed in class, tests make up a significant portion of your grade; today's test in class and this take home test will collectively have a major impact on your average!

Be sure to put your best effort into your take home test and have it done on time! You will lose 10 points for each day this is late, and no tests will be accepted after Thursday! Use your notes for help, use your resources on the right--look up some videos through Youtube or Yay Math or Khan! Also use the PDF of our textbook to look at examples of problems in sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3! Put in an A level effort so you get a strong test grade!

And finally, the take home test is due even if you were out! You can find the take home test under the "PDF Textbook and Classroom Assignments" link! If you have trouble with the link for some reason, send me an email and I'll respond with a copy ( 

On Tuesday we'll get back to working with polynomials and finding zeros; we'll start to learn how to use division to then find all zeros of a polynomial! Until then, rest up, relax, and have an awesome 4 day weekend!

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