Friday, October 28, 2016

Weekend HW: Khan and Stamps!

This weekend, get some KHAN time in! You need 20 minutes by Monday! You can also do up to 60 minutes in Khan Academy for extra credit (since this is our last Khan grade of the quarter)!

  • I would recommend using Khan to study/review the following:
    • FACTORING or
    • Rational Functions or
    • Vertical and Horizontal Asymptotes

Also, stamps are due next Wednesday! It might be a good idea to start gathering/organizing/counting your stamps now! Here's what you have to do with your stamps:
  • Find all your stamps!
  • Put all your stamps together...
    • Some people rip/cut out the actual stamp and then put them all in an envelope or tape them all to a piece of paper
    • Or, other people just turn in the entire paper with the stamp on it (you'll get them all back, so you'll get the examples back for your notes) and paperclip them all or put them all in an envelope or ziploc bag
    • Any way you organize/collect your stamps is fine with me!
  • Count the number of stamps and record the total (with your name) on the front
    • Double check!
    • I will use the random name generator to randomly check the counts for 5-10 people in each class; if your total does not match the number of stamps I count, you will receive a 0...
    • So count twice! Even if you're off by one or you actually have more stamps than you told me, you get a 0! 
  • You are literally counting the number of orange "terrific" stamps! 
    • If a paper does not have a stamp on it, it does not count!
    • If you include papers that aren't actually stamps you will earn a 0!
  • I will collect these on Wednesday; all of the stamps next week will count for the second quarter, so you have all of your first quarter stamps!
  • Turn in all of your stamps! Don't try to stash any for the future--the stamp changes each quarter, so the orange terrific stamps have no value after this quarter!

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