Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday HW!

Tonight, please complete the following on the front page of your 2.3 problem set (or page 159-161):

Page 159-161: 45, 49, 51, 75, 87

  • For 45, use synthetic substitution! (This is really 4 different problems, parts a,b,c, and d)
  • For 49 and 51...
    • First, use synthetic division to show the given x value is a factor/solution of the polynomial given (show the remainder is 0!)
    • Then, after you divide, you can write the original polynomial in factored form (look at today's notes)
    • Now, use this factored form to "factor completely" and find the zeros/roots/solutions/x-intercepts for the polynomial!

Tomorrow we'll do a little more practice with section 2.3--finding zeros and factoring polynomials--and then it's on to 2.4 for Thursday! See you there!

If you want a head start, here's tomorrow's homework:

Page 159-161: 57, 59, 65, 67, 89, 91

  • For 57 and 59 use repeated synthetic division to "get down to" a quadratic
    • Then, factor this quadratic...
    • Now, write the original polynomial in its completely factored form
    • Finally, use this completely factored form to find all the zeros of the polynomial
  • For 65 and 67...
    • First, use a graphing calculator to find one of the exact zeros (find one that's a whole number!)
    • Next, use synthetic division to rewrite the polynomial as a product of a linear and quadratic term
    • Now, use the quadratic formula (or factor, if possible) to find the remaining zeros from the quadratic factor!
  • For 89, 91...
    • This is some factoring review! Do some research about "factoring quadratics" for help!

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