Friday, October 21, 2016

Weekend HW!

This weekend, you have two homework responsibilities:

1.) Be sure to spend at least 20 minutes on Khan Academy by Monday!

2.) In the problem set (image) below, complete each of the following: 57, 59, 63, 69

  • For 57 simply use the quadratic formula to find the zeros of the polynomial
  • For 59, you can either "solve for x" without factoring, or can factor this as a difference of two perfect squares!
  • For 63 and 69, look at today's example from class...
    • First, find real zeros using a graphing calculator (there is a Desmos online calculator linked on the right if you don't have one!)
      • Pay attention to whether the graph "crosses" or "bounces"--if it bounces at a zero, use that zero twice!
    • Perform (repeated) synthetic division
    • For 63, you should do synthetic one time and arrive at a quadratic--then, use the quadratic formula to find the zeros from this quadratic, as it cannot be factored
    • For 69, you will do synthetic twice and then you can find the remaining zeros without any more factoring

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